Satyam... candidate experience
Hi frns ,In Satyam computers GD topic was as given below and they asked.Total 50 qns of flow chart and some basic computers concept. 25questions were from given 50 problems and rest 25 were from java, n/w .But try to mug -up all given 50 qns and answers bcoz u will get 25questions directly from these 50. There intervws are only formality.
But GD is most important. Bcoz I topped in written test but didnt clear GDAnyway All The Best
Some computer qns:;Qn No.are not in seq1: Full form of CASE:: computer aided s/w engg2: UML:: Unified modelling language3: ANS:: Ring TopologyRest I forgot.GD Topic::::::::::::::::: it will be same for all groupson a mid may at about 10 a.m. ur plane crashed at a desert atrajsthan.u r at 70 miles from ur destinatin.u r along with two pilot and you are in simpl dresses,road shoes and every one has a handkerchif. The temperature at the hill foot is about 113 f. Yiy are provided with 15 articles and you have to choose to whom u will give more priority in order to reach ur destination..accordingly u have to serial 15 articles.
Aricles individual score ! team score.
1. flashlight(4 battery) -----9--------2. magnetic compass ----2------3.area map coat &n! bsp; --6-----------5.sun glass -5----------6.cosmatic mirror --7------! 7.water bottle ---15-------9.parachute --1---&nb! sp; -----10.a book entitled with desert animals ---14------11.plastic rain coat ---9-----12.jack knife --8--&! nbsp; u have to fill up the remaining in which way i've filled up.theygive u 10 min to read the case study and then 5 min to fill up the 2nd column.then disscision will go on and a final conclusion will be drawn at the end that u've to fill up in 3rd column.
best of luck.
Although i qualified the written but i could not clear the g.d.i'm sending the qps below.DON"T WORRY THE QN NOS R IN EXACT SERIAL(qns acording to qn no, butt we written it here &there).
i'm also giving some ans .u better check it once again.
I.1) 1. value of N and! K is100.
2.N is divided by K and the integer part of thequotient is stored in I.
3. N is divided by K and the reminder is stored in K
4. I is multiplied by itself to get the new value ofI
5. if the value of I and J are equal then N isprinted
6. add 1 to N
7. if the value of N exceeds 999 then stop.
8. go to step 2The result of the above logic is
a) 124, 248, 369....
b) 101 , 204, 309, .....
c) 111,222, 333, ...
d) none
ans. (b)
1. Sony =0
2.jimmy =1
3.Add jimmy to sony to get new jimmy
4. add sony to jimmy to get new jimmy.
5. if jimmy is equal to 34 then stop
6. go to step 3What is the value of Sony when the logic terminates.
a) 15 b) 18 c) 21 d) noneans:d(check)
get the cost of the iteam (C)
1.get the no of iteams (N)
2.multiply N by C to get total cost (TC)
3.if Tc is above 10000 then discount (d)= 5%
4. if Tc is less than 10000 but more then 5000 and C is above85 then D=4.5 %
5. if Tc is less than 5000 and C>65 and N>50 then D=4%What will be te discount if 40 iteams were purchasedeach costing Rs 58'
a)5% b) 4.5% c) 4% d)none
The average age of a class of 45 is 20 years. the ageof the teacher is 30 years. the the average age of the 45 peapletogether is
1.j=z * l /* here * means multiplication*/
2.m=j+ 30
3.z= 20
the above logic represents the solution of the givenproblem.
the correct sequence is
2.add 1 to k to get the value of z
3.p= quotient of z divided by 10
and some statements are there...
8. Go to 2the result of the above steps is
ans! ...(b)
A long flow chatFN=10-----> k=10-----> divide FN by K and ...........the number of values that are printed are
a) 9 b) 19 c) 29 d)none
ans (a)
1. cost of iteam C= Rs 502. total cost TC= 03.number of iteams purchased =14.TC= TC+C5.
if the reminder of N divided by 5 is 0 then reduceRs. 10 from C6.increase the value of N by 1using the above rule, how much money should one payafter buying 12 iteams
a)480 b) 510c)540 d) none
ans.....(b)check the answer.
flow chatevery applicants takes 3 tests. the candidate isselected if he/she secures 80 % above in the aggregate and 75% and aboveatleast two testes. all tests are evaluated to 100 marks.C=0------> Get T1,T2,T3------> Is T1>74......... ...............................if a candidate scores 96, 78, 68 in the three testesgoing by the above logic, his result will be
ans...(b) selected
flow chatR=8 and J= 5 --------->
print R------L= R+j
the out put of the above logic is
ans .... (d) none
flow chatN= 100 -------> D=INT(N/100) ------> K=reminder(N/100).............> print Nif the no like 244, 514,136 etc are to printed fromthe above logic , the ? should be replaced with ...ans.d(check)..... ***
1. let the value of FN be 1
2. let the value of A be 2
3.Let the new value of FN be FN multiplied by A andadd 1 to it.
4.Write the value of FN
5.If the value written is more than 777 then stop
7.go to step 3i
f the expected out put from the above logic is
3,10,41,206,1237, then the statement in the line 6 should be
(a)let the value of A be A multiplied by A
(b)add A to A
(c)add 1 to A
(d) none
ans.......(c) add 1 to a
flow chat
N=2----> R= N+1, --------> print J----> N=N+1----.isN>9 ?
J=N x R .
&n! bsp; no
the result of the above logic is
(a)6,8,14... (b)6,12,20,30 ...... (c)6,12,18,24...(d)none
The followig qualification are necessary forrecruitment of a librarian . the candidate must
1. have master degree in library science with at least55% mark.
2.have one year specialization in IT
3.have at least 10 yrs experience in universityIn case the candidate
4.has 15 yrs experience in college ,the case may bereffered to vice chancellor
5.has obtained less than 55% marks but has 13 university ,
the case may be to resistrar.
6.has PHD in library sc./documentation,the conditin 1may be waived.
gopal brahma has been deputy librarian of SLCuniversity since 1982 and has a master degree! in library sc.with 53 % . given the above rules and Gopal's information,Gopal should be
(a)selected (b) rejected (C) referred to V-C (d)none
14).flow chart ans:a
15>1.R=22.J=R*R-R3.R=R+14.K=R*R-R5.print K-J6.let J=K7.if R.8 then stop8.go to 3the result of the above logic is
(a)4,9,16,25.... (b)4,6,8,10.... (c)4,4,4,4.... (d)none
ans (b)(check)
16>flow chart is remainder
ofN=66---->D=N/2--->N=D+1------> N/2=0 ------>stop
^ !
! ;
- ---------------
after how much iteration will the above logicterminate
(a)8 (b)6 (c)7 (d) none
ans.(d) check
9.print T7
11.if T<8>10 hint: k=3,j=2......
Q21)flowchartans:a)10 (confirm the question)
q24)flowchart ans:b(17)
q25)a person distribute his pen among four friends inthe ratio 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6..... ans:b(minimum he should have)
Q26)1.let the value of N be 102.divide N by 10 to give quotient (Q) remainder(R)3.diff=R-Q4.if diff=1 then 65.go to step 76.display the value of N7.add 1 to N 8.if N <100>.49,increase the value of INTRGER (A/B) by 1
(A)1,3,2,5,4(B)1,3,2,4,5(C)1,2,3,5,4(D) none
Q31)A cistren is filled by 9 hours.......ans:a)90 hours
34>When madan said that he was burn on 31-9-83,everybodylaughed.the logical sequence of steps involved in reduculingmadan's statement r given below 1.if the day of birth is >Y(month of birth)then wrong2.since 1983 is not a leap year february has 28 days3. store 31,28,31,....31 in an array y(12)4.month of birth is not less than 1 and not greaterthan 12, therefore month of birth is valid the right sequence of steps is
a)3-1-4-2 b)3-2-4- 1 c )3-2-1-4 d)none
35).the logic to! convert a 3 digit number to a word isgiven, Ex 123 should be written as One Two Three 1. accept the number N2. if N <> 999 go to step 13.
Split N into hundreds(H), Tens (T), & Units(U)4. Store words zero,one,two,....... in array W(10)
5. print W(H),W(T),W(U)6. StopThe above logic is
a) incomplete b) complete c) complete but inefficientd)none
ans: b
36)given a number which is more than 99 but less than1000, the logical sequence of steps to say how many hundreds, tens &units are in the given number is given below.identify the logicalorder.1.get the number N2.write quotient and the words 'tens'3.write the remainder and the words "units'4.write the quotient and the word "hundred"5.divide the number N by 100 and get the quotiient andremainder6.divide the remainder by 10 giving the quitient andremainder
(a) 1,5,6,2,3,4 (b)1,5,4,3,2,6 (c) 1,5,4,6! ,2,3(d)none
37.step of toffees in hand (TIH)=2 of picks (NOP) = 1
3. Multiply TIH by 2
4. Add 1 to NOP
5. If NOP is less than 4 then step 3
6. Print TIH7. Stop The value of TIH at the end of execution of logic is
a) 16 b) 24 c)30 d)None
ans: a
Q38)flowchartans:b (1,2,4,8,16,32,32,16,8,4,2,1)
Q41)ans:b(6 days)
Q42)flowchartans:b(I=468 , II=468)
Q43)the logical sequence of steps to calculate the averageof N nos is given below1.
let the sum(S) of N nos be zero2.get the value of N3.let the value of A be N4.add N to S5.add 1 to A6.if A is not = N then go to 47. compute average by dividingS by Nthe abouve logic is
(a)correct(b)incorrect(c)inadequate data(d)none
Q44)indet! ify the correct logical order to write ur namein reverse order
1.count the no of alphabets in ur name(L)
2.if L=0 stop
3.rerduce the value of L by 1
4.write the lth character
5.transfer control to the step where the value of L isreduce
(a)1,4,3,5,2(B) 1,4,3,2,5 (c)1,3,4,2,5, (d) none
ans:d //b(14325) //a(1,4,3,5,2)
six girls A,B,C,D,E & F have 10 marbles each. a & Btake 4 marbles each from D & E respectively. C gives 3 marbles to F who inturn gives 2 marbles to D & 4 marbles to E. E takes back themarbles she had given to B and gives them to C.
The equations r given below
1. A=A+4
2. B=B+4
3. D=D-4
4. E=E-4
5. F=F+3
6. F=F-2
7. F=F-4
8. C=C-3
9. D=D+2
10. E=E+4
11. B=B-4
12. C=C+4
The above sequence of steps are
a)Complete b)Incomplete c)Incorrect d)none
Subtract 3 from the number X. Multiply the result by3, Add 3 & then divide this result by 3. The final result is
a) X-2 b)X+2 c)X+1 d) X
Given a sentence which has only lower case letters andwhich ends with a period (.), you r asked to count the number ofvowels & consonants. The logical sequence of steps r given below. Arrangethem in correct order. 1. If character = a,e,i,o or u increse VC by 1 elseincrease CC by 1.2. Print VC,CC3. Read a character4. If character read is . then go to print VC,CC5. Go to read a character6. Stop7. Initialise VC & CC to 0ur logical sequence of steps r
a)7,3,4,1,5,2,6 b)7,4,3,1,2,5,6 c)7,3,4,! 5,1,2,6 d)none
48.1.number of units consumed(NUC) = Closing reading -Opening reading2. if NUC is less than 100 units then 53. if NUC is less than 200 units then 64. if NUC is less than 300 units then 75. CHARGE=NUC6.CHARGE = 100+(NUC-100)*27.CHARGE=300 +(NUC -200)*38. Print CHARGEif the opening reading is 785 and the Closing readingis 865, CHARGE is
a)80 b)60 c)-60 d)None ans:a // d
Q49)ans: c)3,7,1,2,5,6,4
Q50)flowchartans:b(prints multiplication table from 1 to 10)
all the best
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
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